AvMed Offers Full Support for All HIPAA-Mandated Transactions.
[EDI (Electronic Claims Submission)] The AvMed Health Plans Electronic Data Interchange service will be the method for exchanging electronic data with our Trading Partners.

The EDI Service will receive and deliver transaction data (claims, claim status, remittances, etc.) between AvMed Health Plans and its Trading Partners. To AvMed a Trading Partner is any external organization, physician or hospital that transacts business in our electronic environment.
AvMed remit codes explanations
AvMed Claim status codes used
5010 Transactions
AvMed's real-time based eligibility, benefits and claim status application follows the standard operating rules defined by Phase I and Phase II of the CAQH/CORE requirements. For further information on how to use the new application, please see the 270/271 and 276/277 Companion Guides
Companion Guide
Eligibility Request and Response
Claim status Request and Response
NOTE: To see the other 5010 transactions available see Contact Us.
Regular Scheduled Maintenance
Unscheduled Maintenance or Emergency Downtime