Manage Your Health with Preventive Care
I feel great - what's the point of preventive care? Sound familiar? You're not alone.
If you're like a lot of people, you probably only think of going to the doctor when you feel sick or you've been injured. But having routine preventive care visits and taking other steps to manage your health are just as important as sick visits when it comes to preventing diseases and ensuring you stay healthy. In fact, getting preventive care is one of the most important steps you can take to manage your health.
PREVENTIVE CARE INCLUDES all the assessments, immunizations, tests and health screenings that can identify diseases and disease risk factors early on, when diseases can still be prevented or when treatment is less complicated – and less costly.
AN ANNUAL PREVENTIVE CARE VISIT is recommended to ensure your doctor has an ongoing record of your health, which makes it easier to spot subtle signs of the disease. Plus, annual visits ensure you get the recommended health screenings and immunizations that can keep you healthy.
AvMed offers comprehensive preventive care services as part of your coverage options.
Contact your healthcare Provider to schedule your preventive care visit and start enjoying a healthier you!
Being proactive about your own health and wellness is the best way to avoid serious medical issues and keep your healthcare costs to a minimum. Here at AvMed, we make it easy for you. It starts by completing your confidential Personal Health Assessment (PHA), using the AvMed Wellness Portal by Healthyroads®.
This easy-to-use interactive tool uses a series of simple questions to identify potential health risks and set personalized goals that can help you improve your overall health so you feel your best while reducing your risk for serious diseases.
And that's just part of the Personal Health Assessment. Once your questionnaire is complete, AvMed helps you achieve your wellness goals with plenty of helpful resources exclusive to AvMed Members, including discounts at health-related businesses, personalized nutrition and activity planning, as well as e-courses that let you improve your health at home and on the go.
Getting started is simple. Just visit our home page then click on Take Your PHA.
Still have questions? Call AvMed's Member Engagement Center at the number listed on your AvMed Member ID Card (TTY 711).