Transplant Case Management is a statewide resource for both members and providers. It assists in identifying, facilitating, and coordinating transplant services with an appropriate transplant center. Transplant Case Management provides services while a member is being considered for a transplant, throughout the transplant process until the member is successfully transplanted and stable (usually 1 year after transplant), and requires no further specific interventions. There is no cost for the program and it is confidential.
Contact AvMed Case Management at 1-800-972-8633 select option #3 for Case Management. We are available 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. We look forward to serving you, our valued Member.
This program provides general information. It is not the practice of medicine or a substitute for services from your doctors. All questions about your health status and treatment should be directed to your treating provider.